About Us
The Welcoming Estates has existed since 2015 to showcase on one unique website private country estates located throughout Europe and even beyond that open their doors to the public. The owners or managers of this exclusive collection of Welcoming Estates all believe in the same philosophy of promoting the long term interests of their land through innovative, regenerative and sustainable practices. They have opened their gates to allow you, who appreciates nature and the countryside, to benefit from the wide-ranging activities they offer in beautiful rural surroundings.
All the estates are owned or managed by members of the Friends of the Countryside,
a network of like-minded individuals united and committed in their belief of a European countryside that is as prosperous as it is extraordinary to behold and one that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.
The Friends of the Countryside work alongside its sister organisation, the European Landowners’ Organisation who are also committed to promoting a sustainable and prosperous countryside and so develop policy recommendations and programmes of action to increase awareness relating to environmental and agricultural issues on a European level.
This present website was updated in May 2021.